Monday 16 January 2012

On Friday 2nd March myself, John Philp and Kenny Hogg set off on the 3312 Great American Road Trip. 3 weeks to cross from the east to west coast of the USA in a 32ft RV.
Logon everyday to keep up to date with our trip


  1. And remind us all Dr. Wilson, what does the 3312 stand for?
    3 men
    3 weeks
    1 RV
    2 good to be true

    1. 3312 is a club for discerning chaps with similar aspirations and outlook on life. Membership is strictly by invitation only to 3312 club events. Obviously, the meaning of 3312 is a closely guarded secret known only to members ( and probably members brothers after administration of several pints of truth serum - Deuchars! )

    2. Hello to the 3312 senior member wallace here i think im 2 or Jock is 1, but thats a club secret . Hope the long flight is goes ok and will be looking forward to your reviews and updates

      all the best


    3. Ok... well it's now 3rd of March 2012, or 3/3/12. Several hours since the boys should have landed on USofA soil, and still no word...
      So what do we think has happened to them?
      a) They got on the wrong flight?
      b) They need a young person to help them upload anything to their blog
      c) They need to sober up first, or
      d) All of the above...

      Oh well, hope they're having a ball anyway.
      Hope to hear something soon.
      All the best, guys! Enjoy!! :-)

  2. So has it been a "super Tuesday" for you guys?
